By Willem Snyman FRESH.NGO

This weekend's event was a shining success, the long river frontage of this large natural area in Centurion was completely transformed into a beautiful park.
The amount of litter washed up along the banks of the Hennops is absolutely shocking, 150 rubbish bags full of plastics were removed from a 500m stretch, when multiplied along the whole river there must be a vast amount out there and an indictment to our uncaring ways. In an incredible achievement by about a hundred dedicated volunteers this whole stretch was cleaned up by young and old, all colours working together in brotherhood towards a greater goal. Good actions triumphed over apathy - small steps were taken to heal this hidden pollution disease of our society. Twenty beautiful trees were planted and afterwards we had a formative meeting to formalise the Friends of the Hennops River.

The educational day on Sunday started with an inspirational sermon, an environmental Easter message on our obligations towards caring for nature to uplift ourselves and our world. As part of the service the large congregation of a thousand strong was lead down towards the river in a pre-Easter palm procession.
Educational stalls along the way highlighted the local wildlife and trees, explained recycling and ideas on greening the home; our various partner NGO'S all showcased their environmental initiatives to the public. Together our power is great and a shift was felt towards restoring a spirit of goodness to the earth and her creatures.
A great thanks to all of our volunteers who braved the heavy water pollution, to all who helped organised, contributed and participated to make this such a memorable and significant event, you're too numerous to name but together our collective positive actions are making the difference and sparking the change.
A clean area was made as a wedge in the pollution, a symbol for the transformation of the river and of our lives. To find harmony within ourselves and with all of creation to ensure the survival and flourishing of all of our earth's species, our lives intertwined and the health of all dependent on a clean environment.
Thanks a lot Willem Snyman FRESH.NGO